本館自7/1-7/12為全館卸佈展期間,暫停對外開放。不便之處, 敬請見諒。 ※展覽預告 Upcoming Exhibitions 水之眾神-顧廣毅個展 Gods of Water-Kuang-Yi Ku Solo Exhibition 2024.07.13 – 09.08 可聞秋聲-鳳甲美術館秋季典藏展 Hong-Gah Museum Autumn Collection 2024.07.13 – 09.08 無相行-Travel Unbound 2024.07.20 – 08.18 敬請期待! Hong-Gah Museum will be temporarily closed from July 1st to July 12th to prepare for the upcoming exhibition. We apologize for any inconvenience caused. Please stay tuned! ※Upcoming exhibitions: Gods of Water-Kuang-Yi Ku Solo Exhibition 2024.07.13 – 09.08 Hong-Gah Museum Autumn Collection 2024.07.13 – 09.08 Travel Unbound 2024.07.20 – 08.18