Touched-Tsan-Cheng Wu+I-Lly Cheng

Centering around “sound”, composer I-Lly Cheng and artist Tsan-Cheng Wu deliver images and sounds via the minimal spatial keynote of rusticity. Cheng orchestrates an alternative sensual experience in her work of contemporary electronic music, converting the minute attribute of sound energy via the unique texture and waves of water as it resonates with the energy. The physical phenomenon of sound vibration is manipulated to convey the subtle appearance of music. Wu uncovers and collects the soundscapes of Beitou. With that at the core, the dynamics of soundscape in the exhibition venue are transformed into the ambient sounds in everyday life, whereas images are returned to the ground zero of light and colors. Rather than the blunt reference of the locality, people, and things in Beitou via tangible historical events and narratives, the possibility of free perception is granted to viewers with partial images and footages subtly revealed in everyday life.
Dates: 2019.12.28-2020.01.19
Opening Reception: 2019.12.28 (SAT) 15:00