Embroidery: LIU Kui Ling’s Squirrels

Original: LIU Kui Ling
Embroidery: Hunan Embroidery Research Institute
Time: 1984
Dimension: 140×45 cm
This piece of squirrels was embroidered with the Fluffy Stitch and Irregular Stitch that presents the fluffy, lovely squirrels via the extraordinary embroidery techniques. The pine needles on the branches are arranged carefully rich in the textural beauty of artisanship. Altogether they made a masterpiece of Xiang Embroidery. The contemporary Chinese painter LIU Kui Ling (1885-1967) exceled at painting animals, flowers, and birds, especially lions and tigers. He learned from Giuseppe Castiglione, painting with his meticulous observation and skillful techniques. His work portrays a delicate and lifelike image. The animals painted are true to life with vivid textures of the fur. The scene arranged is simplistic, refined, and rich in artistic conception, which is perfect for embroidery and presentation via the Fluffy Stitch.