Embroidery of My Wife, Nude, Contemplating Her Own Flesh Becoming Stairs, Three Vertebrae of a Column, Sky and Architecture by Salvador Dali

Embroidery: Lu Jianying Embroidery Studio, Suzhou
Time: 1990s
Dimension: 35×29 cm
Although the Free Cross Stitch had been invented specifically for oil painting embroidery, the subject-matters for embroideries in China in the 1990s, however, remained largely the traditional Chinese paintings. Works themed with the Chinese painting accounted for the majority of Hong-gah Museum’s embroidery collection as well. After a long engagement with the embroidery studio, Chairman Andrew Chew aimed to support the operation of the embroidery studio. Chew happened to be a fan of Salvador Dali’s surrealist paintings, thus encouraging Jianying Embroidery Studio that excelled at embroidering antique paintings to experiment with different subject-matters for painting embroidery. As a result, he commissioned the studio to produce the embroidery of the Western painting, so as to present the contemporary Western painting in embroidery in hopes of exploring more diverse creative topics for the embroidery medium. The work was produced with the Loose Trocar and the Straight Stitch that embody both the lifelike details and the ornamental charm.